My project began by creating an audio piece from sounds I collected in my house and while walking around downtown Oakland. I wanted to create a project that reflected and could serve as part of my practice to appreciate and find beauty in the mundane, trivial, and repetitive parts of everyday life. Using the sounds of brushing teeth, traffic, eating, and other tasks we complete multiple times a day, I created a soundscape that recontextualized the less glorious moments of our lives as something more. After creating this piece of sound art I was tasked with adding a visual element to it. As I sat grumpily in Bay Bridge traffic on my way to school one morning I realized that my commute has to be one of the most beautiful in the whole world, and there I was wishing I could just get it over with. As I filmed traffic day after day I knew that forcing the viewer to sit through this beautifully infuriating moment with me would be the perfect way to visualize the goal of finding the value in all these moments we take for granted.
Beauty and More Beauty
Updated: May 17, 2022